Saturday, January 28, 2017

Week one - Bananas, gloves, tortillas and lemons

Bananas, gloves, tortillas and lemons - fused plastic collage 23cm x 23cm

Week one - Bananas, gloves, tortillas and lemons

I have been making fused plastic collages (recycling packaging and plastic bags that I have used, have found, or friends have brought me ) for the past five years. During this time, I have explored different motifs, given myself 'rules' and collected lots of plastic in just about every colour.  My plastic is sorted into big boxes by colour and I have a bin with unsorted plastic and a few boxes with leftover pieces that I have fused, or cut down that I might use later. There is some plastic which is better to use than other plastic, Some smells toxic and I hate to use it, but I keep plastic that I know will give me trouble just because of its colour, its texture or its sparkle. I have worked out ways to use the bad plastic through trial and error. 

 Earlier this week  I dreamed up a new weekly challenge and began collecting plastic for it.  It may or may not inspire a new collection of work. I respond well to limiting my materials in other media, so I thought it would be a good experiment to try to make a fused  plastic collage limiting myself to the plastic I collect that week.  I imagine the outcome as being very related to what we eat and do and will name the pieces accordingly. I expect I will need to 'cheat' from time to time and raid my plastic boxes for just the right colour to tie things together and I will allow myself paint.